XRoar, a Dragon and Tandy 8-bit computer emulator

XRoar emulates the Dragon 32/64; Tandy Colour Computers 1, 2 and 3; the Tandy MC-10; and some other similar machines or clones. It runs on a wide variety of platforms. More features.


Source code version 1.8.1, released 2025-02-02: xroar-1.8.1.tar.gz. Other downloads.

Debian snapshot builds are available in the Apt repository.

Ubuntu snapshot builds are available in this PPA on Launchpad.

Mac OS X binaries: 64-bit x86 Mac OS X (built under 10.13)

Windows binaries (cross-built using MinGW):

Git repository: git clone https://www.6809.org.uk/git/xroar.git

The manual is available in these formats: PDF and HTML. See Getting started for a quick guide to running XRoar. See Building from source for instructions on building from source. Be sure to read about any Recent changes.

Some loose notes about cross-compiling for Windows using Debian: Building XRoar for Windows.

Firmware ROM images are required to usefully run this emulator. If you have difficulty extracting these from your real Dragon, CoCo or MC-10, dumps may be available from the Dragon Archive or the Color Computer Archive.

Important: since version 1.3, the floppy disk image write-back behaviour has changed. See Recent changes in the manual.

asm6809 is a 6809 assembler that can generate machine code to run on the Dragon.

Want a Dragon in your browser? Try XRoar Online.

Notes for version 1.8

Please note that the GTK+ 2 UI is is deprecated in favour of GTK+ 3. I will probably support GTK+ 2 for as long as it and GtkGLExt exist in Debian, but this may not be for very long now.

Fixes in versions to 1.8.1

For version change history, see the ChangeLog.

[n] - reported by, [by n] - contributed by, [with n] - developed with.


License: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html>.
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

Binary packages may be linked against SDL.


All of these ports are quite old now, predating the 1.x releases and thus not supporting Tandy CoCo 3, MC-10 and various other things.

Android APK: xroar-0.31.1-1.apk

Android port contributed by Tormod Volden. For more information see its readme.txt. For patches, etc., check out Tormod's website.

drHirudo ported XRoar to AmigaOS 4 (!), available here.

Stefan Haubenthal uploaded a build for MorphOS to aminet.

ZX-81 ported version 0.19 to the Sony PSP and GP2X handhelds. Check for "Tandy Coco" in the list of categories on ZX-81's web site.

Updated 2 Feb 2025